Layover Technical Tutorials by the App Whisperer

Whether you’re new to Layover and not sure where to get started or a seasoned blend-master, we think you’ll find inspiration in these Layover tutorials published by the App Whisperer.

In the first tutorial, you’ll learn how David Hayes, Head of Technical Tutorials at the App Whisperer, blended four photographs to make this lovely image.

In the second tutorial, David played around with “variations of a theme.” According to David:

“Recent trends I’ve noticed amongst the photographers I follow are studies of a single image where they’ve applied different apps and techniques to create variations of that image. I’ve done likewise but what the difference is that these photographers are using unique ways to group/display their studies.

I thought I’d use Layover’s capability to work with five layers at once and put together my own.”

We recommend checking out David’s second tutorial, in which he describes how he blended five images to create this pretty sweet variation of the theme.

David details each step with simple instructions and corresponding screenshots, making it easy to follow along and learn new tricks. We highly recommend checking them out (tutorial #1, tutorial #2).